When I started working as a plant physiologist at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in 1966, I soon realized that there was a vast number of references before me, including those on plant ecology, climatology, soil science, and agronomy. Although I looked for a single textbook that would give me a brief account of the crop physiology of rice, I was unable to locate one. The need for such a textbook became even more obvious as my contacts with young scientists and students from developing countries increased. The primary objective of Fundamentals of Rice Crop Science is to meet such a need.
In writing this book, I have tried to present a synthesis of the current understanding of rice crop physiology. I attempt to explain how high rice yields can be achieved with the proper combination of variety, environment, and cultural practices. I also present some means to identify the cause or causes of low and high yields under a given crop environment.
The choice of subject matter discussed here is based primarily on my own experience at IRRI, and is perhaps broader than one might expect. Affected by dialogues with my colleagues from different disciplines, this book contains material of an interdisciplinary nature, which should help crop physiologists improve their communication with plant breeders and soil scientists. For this reason, I have chosen to call this book Fundamentals of Rice Crop Science instead of Fundamentals of Rice Crop Physiology.
This book would not have come out without the generosity and encouragement of Dr. N. C. Brady, director general of IRRI. Most of the book was written from August 1978 to June 1979, during a sabbatic leave at the University of California at Davis. The manuscript was reviewed by Drs. B. S. Vergara, Z. Uchijima. I. Nishiyama, C. S. Park, H. Shiga, and T. Ando. Mr. Robert Cowell and Ms. Corazon Mendoza of IRRI’s Office of Information Services edited the manuscript. I am specifically indebted to Dr. S. K. De Datta for his advice on the preparation of the manuscript. I am also indebted to many others who helped make this book possible.
Shouichi Yoshida
Keyword: ebook, giáo trình, cây lúa, giáo trình cây lúa, lúa, đại cương cây lúa, nghiên cứu cây lúa, khoa học cây lúa, FUNDAMENTALS OF RICE, CROP SCIENCE, SHOUICHI YOSHIDA, THE INTERNATIONAL RICE RESEARCH INSTITUTE, IRRI
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