Most of us growing vegetables in our backyard gardens face lots of challenges with the soil structure, fertility, watering, pests, and diseases. You may think that all you have to do is to sow some seeds in the soil and they will germinate and crow into productive plants. This, however, is wishful thinking, unless you know the proper techniques for successful soil growing. So, if you arc faced with these challenges, is there another way to give you better control of these limiting factors to your production? The answer is hydroponic culture.
Basically, growing plants in soil or hydroponically requires similar needs from their environment for good yields. However, with hydroponics you have control over many of the limiting factors that plants encounter in soil. One step further is to grow' them in a greenhouse hydroponically. In this way, you can also control some of the outside limiting factors, such as light and temperature, and exclude to a large degree pest and disease problems with your plants. In addition, you can grow year-round in a greenhouse, producing high-quality plants even during winter months. Experience production during the winter and escape from the darkness and stress of winter doldrums during these short winter days.
In this book, focus is on the production of vegetable crops year-round within your home or in a greenhouse. By following the procedures presented, you can grow' successfully W'ith hydroponic culture. While most crops grow'n in soil can be grown hydroponically. the emphasis, due to economic viability, is on tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, eggplants, lettuce, arugula, bok choy, and various herbs. I present background information on how' hydroponics evolved, plant needs in terms of nutrients, water, plant growth, and show you how you can provide these basic needs to your plants. There is an explanation of nutrient solution makeup to show you how' to provide the plants with their essential elements for growth. Nutrient solution formulations and their preparation are basic to successful hydroponics. However, they can be purchased from hydroponic shops and online if you wish to avoid making them up yourself.
After that, many hydroponic systems are described that you may construct yourself or purchase. These systems, With their substrates, arc taking the place of the soil. They can be automated to reduce your constant caring as occurs with soil in providing fertilizers and building soil structure and fertility through composting and watering.
I take you one step further to enjoy gardening year-round with the use of a backyard greenhouse. The construction of backyard greenhouses is described along with the components needed to control the climatic conditions within the greenhouse that arc favorable to plant growth. Hydroponic systems for these backyard greenhouses are the next step in assuring successful growing for the whole year.
Basically, growing plants in soil or hydroponically requires similar needs from their environment for good yields. However, with hydroponics you have control over many of the limiting factors that plants encounter in soil. One step further is to grow' them in a greenhouse hydroponically. In this way, you can also control some of the outside limiting factors, such as light and temperature, and exclude to a large degree pest and disease problems with your plants. In addition, you can grow year-round in a greenhouse, producing high-quality plants even during winter months. Experience production during the winter and escape from the darkness and stress of winter doldrums during these short winter days.
In this book, focus is on the production of vegetable crops year-round within your home or in a greenhouse. By following the procedures presented, you can grow' successfully W'ith hydroponic culture. While most crops grow'n in soil can be grown hydroponically. the emphasis, due to economic viability, is on tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, eggplants, lettuce, arugula, bok choy, and various herbs. I present background information on how' hydroponics evolved, plant needs in terms of nutrients, water, plant growth, and show you how you can provide these basic needs to your plants. There is an explanation of nutrient solution makeup to show you how' to provide the plants with their essential elements for growth. Nutrient solution formulations and their preparation are basic to successful hydroponics. However, they can be purchased from hydroponic shops and online if you wish to avoid making them up yourself.
After that, many hydroponic systems are described that you may construct yourself or purchase. These systems, With their substrates, arc taking the place of the soil. They can be automated to reduce your constant caring as occurs with soil in providing fertilizers and building soil structure and fertility through composting and watering.
I take you one step further to enjoy gardening year-round with the use of a backyard greenhouse. The construction of backyard greenhouses is described along with the components needed to control the climatic conditions within the greenhouse that arc favorable to plant growth. Hydroponic systems for these backyard greenhouses are the next step in assuring successful growing for the whole year.
Finally, numerous vegetable crops recommended for hydroponics are discussed in detail, including such topics as seeding, transplanting, training of the plants, and pest and disease control. Varieties I have found in the past that grow best under greenhouse hydroponics are given, along with some simple indoor systems to grow sprouts and microgreens.
[EBOOK] Hydroponics for the HOME GROWER, Howard M. Resh, Published by CRC Press Taylor & Francis Croup
Keyword: ebook, giáo trình, hydroponics, hydroponic system, thuỷ canh, hệ thống thuỷ canh, trồng rau thuỷ canh, hệ thống thuỷ canh hộ gia đình
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