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[EBOOK] Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, Doctor's Krishi Evam Bagwani Vikas Sanstha (Doctor's Agricultural and Horticultural Development Society)

On thecompletionof 12 years of successful publication, 12“* Annual Day Function of Journal of Eco-friendly Agriculture was organized by Doctors Krishi Evam Bagawni Vikas Sanstha (Doctor's Agricultural and Horticultural Development Society), l.ucknow on 8th August, 2017, in collaboration with ICAK-lndian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow. Dr. A.D. Pathak, Director, KTAR-lndian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Dilkusha, Lucknow', graced the occasion aschief guest and Dr. M.D. Pathak, Chaữman, CRIVVMT, Lucknow and Former Director, Training and Research, IRRĨ, Manila, Philippines was the Guest of Honour.

During the occasional! Annual Key Note Address was delivered by Dr. Manu Dutt Pathak, Chaữman, Centre for Research and Development of Waste & Marginal Land, Lucknow, former DG, UP Council of Agricultural Research and former Dừector, Training and Research, IRRI, Manila, Philippines on the topic "Bio-rejuvenation of sodic waste land by a chemical free, ecofricndly and cheap technology". He shared his experience about conversion of waste land W'ithout chemical with ecofriendly approach, which can save la rge amou nt of state exchequer.

In his 15 years of research experience in sodic waste land at two locations, Le. Pipersand near Lucknow and village Kursi in Barabanki District, W'here he conducted experiments in wasteland, finally able to convert both farms from waste land to productive areas. He is so much interested in the subject that he purchased tire above sodie W’aste land farms for this experiment. He informed this w hile delivering his key note address. In his deliberation, he emphasized that soil sodicity has been a major worldwide problem and especially in Uttar Pradesh limiting agricultural production. Most of theearlier work carried out toameliorate these soils primarily included chemical measures. Since, these chemicals are expensive, governments have been subsidizing it. For the first time Dr. M.D. I’athak showed that anenvữonment-friendlv and inexpensive approach to tackle this problem.

In this technology first sodic soils with irrigation facility, ưieít undisturbed, get reclaimed by itself, provided no cattle grazing is done or removal of vegetation from the area takes place. Secondly, to exploit the use tolerant or resistant crops for soil sodicity. Fhere are many tolerant varieties of ddferent crops, which can be grow'n on these soils and in this process the land is reclaimed without any extra cost.
In thefirst exploratory experiment, 300 germplasm of 22 different crops were sowrn after minimum soil tillage. One germplasm of each, barley, linseed, mustard and rice crops could germ mate normal with normal growth and yield, while others either failed to germ incite or their seedlings did not survive. Subsequently 4,194 germplasm of 21 different crops were evaluated for their germination and survivalat the three ddferent levels of soil sodicity. Several crop lines were selected which were tolerant to sodidty and could grow' normally.

Four years after starting these experiments, the entire 15-acre farm became fully fertile without any symptoms of soil sodidty and iLs soil pi 1 dropped to normal sodicity levels, which was repeated in other farm.

The approach will lead to a major saving to the government and farmers, increase agricultural production substantially and not cause environmental contamination.

His findings W'ere published in the "Journal of Ecofriendly Agriculture" which is published by Doctor1 s Krishi Evam Bdgaw'ni Vikas Sanstha (Doctor's Agricultural and Horticultural Development Society), Lucknow.

During the function on 8th August at ICAR-lndian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow, the recent issue was released and Dr. M.D. Pathak was honoured W'ith a shawl and memento by chief guest Dr. AD. Pathak, LHrector, Sugarcane Research Institute, Lucknow. Chief Guest and Guest of Honour were also honoured by society.

It is relevant to mention that Dr. MD Pathak is an internationally recognised scientist, know'n for his rice variety IK 20, which was released from 1KKI, Phillipincs for multiple resistance againsed two different species of leaf hopper and plant hopper pests, besides tungro and grassy stunt viruses, bacterial leaf blight, bacterial leaf streak diseases and resistance to several other insect pests and diseases and also recorded as tolerant to iron toxicity and to iron, phosphorus and zinc deficiencies. This variety occupied the largest area in the world and I>r. Pathak was aw'ardcd Borlaug award during 1973 and the first prize of the Research Accomplishment Award of the International Year of Rice, 2004.

The function was attended by large number of scientists from different institutes and universities of I unknow.

[EBOOK] Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, Doctor's Krishi Evam Bagwani Vikas Sanstha  (Doctor's Agricultural and Horticultural Development Society)

Keyword: ebook, giáo trình, Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, Agriculture, Journal of Agriculture, nông nghiệp, tạp chí nông nghiệp, Tạp chí Nông nghiệp thân thiện với môi trường

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