Man's dependence on plants as the most significant source of food depends predominately on the ability not only to cultivate plants anti utilize them, hut also to propagate them. This knowledge of plant propagation, the multiplication or making of more plants, is both a fascinating art and an exciting science. Merely walking through the produce department of a grocery store and examining the array of fruits, vegetables, and flowers available should engender an appreciation for all the various techniques of plant propagation used. If the plants themselves could reveal how they were propagated, an impressive array of techniques would be described, from the relatively simple methods of seed germination and grafting to the more cutting-edge techniques of tissue culture, which often include molecular genetics.
[EBOOK] PLANT PROPAGATION (Concepts and Laboratory Exercises), Edited by Caula A. Beyl And Robert N. Trigiano, Published By CRC Press
Keyword: ebook, giáo trình, PLANT PROPAGATION, Concepts and Laboratory Exercises, nhân giống cây trồng, chọn giống cây trồng, kỹ thuật nhân giống cây trồng, nhân giống thực vật, kỹ thuật nhân giống thực vật
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