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[EBOOK] Topics in Animal and Plant Development: From Cell Differentiation to Morphogenesis, Editor Jesus Chimal-Monroy, Published by Transworld Research Network

One major challenge of developmental biology is to explain how multicellular organisms arise from the fertilized egg. During embryonic development, the egg divides to give rise to all the cells of the organism; cell differentiation involves molecular mechanisms through which a cell is able to choose its fate. Also, cells arc not randomly organized in the embryo; on the contrary they are organized into complex tissues and organs. In many animal species when an egg begins to divide itself there are cytoplasmic determinants that arc segregated and arc able to direct cell fate. Rosa Navarro and colleagues show' an example of segregation of cytoplasmic determinants, the determination of germline lineage in c. elegans, Drosophila and zebrafish. In these organisms in addition to cytoplasmic determinants there are germ granules that are involved in germlinc formation and cmbryogencsis. Juan Antonio Montero and Nuria Torre-Pcrcz illustrate the process of gastrulation in the zebrafish embryo. Once zygote divides, it forms a mass of cells that at specific time in development begin the first morphogenetic movements to establishment the body plan, this process is called gastrulation. Martin Garcfa-Castro describes the early development of neural crest cells (NCC) lineage, their origin and their differentiation potential. One of the most studied systems of cell differentiation is the determination of the NCC lineage. These cells contribute to the formation of the peripheral nervous system, cells of the craniofacial skeletal system such as bone and cartilage. Furthermore NCC contribute to tooth forming cells, pigmented cells, muscle, and endocrine cells. Horacio Merchant-Larios and Verónica Díaz-Hernández explain gonadal development; they show an integrated conception of classic concepts with recent results to explain gonadal determination and morphogenesis. Jesus Chimal-Monroy and colleagues depict limb formation. This complex structure represents an excellent model to understand the basic concepts of cell differentiation, cell death, morphogenesis and evolution. Jean-Phillipc Viclle-Calzada and colleagues approach to the genetic basis and molecular mechanisms that regulate female gametogenesis and early embryo formation in flowering plants. Arabidopsis ilia liana and Zea mays are IW'O excellent model systems to explain plant development. Elena Alvarez-Byulla and colleagues illustrate the role of MADS-box genes as transcriptional regulators of plants to elucidate how developmental decisions are taken and how these integrate multiple signal transduction pathways, as well as the relationship between molecular and morphological evolution in plants. During development after several cell divisions there is restriction about the potency of the cells giving rise to specialized cells that will form adult tissues. However, when damage occurs many cells are unable to replace or regenerate the lost tissue, but some tissues have cells with the ability to do it. These cells are called stem cells and are maintained in specific locations called stem cell niches. Acaimo Gonzalez-Rcycs and colleagues describe the importance of stem cell niches in the control of maintenance of self-renewal of stem cells W'hereas Ivan Velasco and Héctor Mayani illustrate some basic aspects of biology of stem cells that might make them competent for possible therapeutic applications. Finally Felix Recillas-Targa and Mayra Furlan-Margaril show the importance that epigenetic has at numerous processes during organism development as cellular plasticity, imprinting, differentiation, self-renewal, ageing and its abnormal counterparts.
Jesus Chimal-Monroy

Dcpartamento de Mcdicina Gcnóntica y Toxicologia Ambiental Instituto dc Investigaciones Biomedicas. UN AM

[EBOOK] Topics in Animal and Plant Development: From Cell Differentiation to Morphogenesis, Editor Jesus Chimal-Monroy, Published by Transworld Research Network

Keyword: ebook, giáo trình, Animal and Plant Development, Plant Development, animal Development, Cell Differentiation, Morphogenesis, sự phát triển của thực vật, biệt hoá tế bào, hình thái học thực vật

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