Thank you for taking the time to pick up, flip through, and curiously ponder the letters and articles of I he iScicntist Vol. II. This year, we arc delighted to showcase topics ranging from mathematical models of opinion dynamics to viral transncural tracing to Galilean moon exploration. The articles that are included in this journal represent students from a diverse range of backgrounds and fields of science, embarking upon research across a breadth of disciplines. Whether they arc extending the frontiers of their chosen scientific concentration or exploring new areas of interest, this journal encourages science students to discover more about their world and produce high-quality, accessible pieces of writing to share with their community.
At its core, The iScientist serves as an opportunity for students to experience a professional-level journal experience at an undergraduate level. Since the journal’s inception, we have fought to maintain a high standard for the pieces of work that we feature. This involves multiple rounds of peer review to ensure that work is meticulously checked and referenced, fostering a community of academic integrity and robustness. Although it would be easier to loosen these stringencies to allow a wider variety of articles into our issues, we feel a responsibility to authors and readers to feature only top-quality undergraduate work, refined by a rigorous peer review process.
This year brings a wealth of new changes to our journal. Perhaps most substantially, our Editorial Board was fortunate enough to receive funding to publish phvsical volumes for the next three years, a result only attainable through the generous support of the McMastcr Science Society’s Science Initiative Fund. In addition to having paper copies of the journal, we have also begun to lay the foundations for a series of workshops that emphasize scientific literacy and publishing at the undergraduate level. These workshops will begin in the 2017/2018 year, and we hope for them to become a pillar function of our board. In this vein, we hope to continue to build a community here at McMaster where students are encouraged to explore interdisciplinary science and display their findings in a professional, worthwhile manner.
We hope that you continue to demand the most from this Editorial Board. In return, we will continue to work hard to showcase the most inspiring, thought-provoking, and original research that students of this School can produce. The success of our work truly is in your hands, and so wc encourage you to continue what you do best: scoff at siloed scientific intentions and embrace a scientific paradigm without borders.
All the best.
At its core, The iScientist serves as an opportunity for students to experience a professional-level journal experience at an undergraduate level. Since the journal’s inception, we have fought to maintain a high standard for the pieces of work that we feature. This involves multiple rounds of peer review to ensure that work is meticulously checked and referenced, fostering a community of academic integrity and robustness. Although it would be easier to loosen these stringencies to allow a wider variety of articles into our issues, we feel a responsibility to authors and readers to feature only top-quality undergraduate work, refined by a rigorous peer review process.
This year brings a wealth of new changes to our journal. Perhaps most substantially, our Editorial Board was fortunate enough to receive funding to publish phvsical volumes for the next three years, a result only attainable through the generous support of the McMastcr Science Society’s Science Initiative Fund. In addition to having paper copies of the journal, we have also begun to lay the foundations for a series of workshops that emphasize scientific literacy and publishing at the undergraduate level. These workshops will begin in the 2017/2018 year, and we hope for them to become a pillar function of our board. In this vein, we hope to continue to build a community here at McMaster where students are encouraged to explore interdisciplinary science and display their findings in a professional, worthwhile manner.
We hope that you continue to demand the most from this Editorial Board. In return, we will continue to work hard to showcase the most inspiring, thought-provoking, and original research that students of this School can produce. The success of our work truly is in your hands, and so wc encourage you to continue what you do best: scoff at siloed scientific intentions and embrace a scientific paradigm without borders.
All the best.
Keyword: ebook, giáo trình, SCIENCE JOURNAL, the publication process through reporting their original research, accessing and discussing scientific literature, participating in the peer review process, writing their own academic research papers, quy trình xuất bản thông qua báo cáo nghiên cứu ban đầu, truy cập và thảo luận về tài liệu khoa học, tham gia vào quá trình đánh giá ngang hàng, viết bài nghiên cứu học thuật
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