The term amyloidosis is used to refer to a family of pathologies altering the homeostasis of human organs. Despite having a name that alludes to starch content, die amyloid accumulations are made up of proteins Uiat polymerize as long and rigid fibers. Amyloid proteins vary widely widi respect to their amino acid sequences but they share similarities in their quaternary structure: the amyloid fibers are enriched in p-sheets arranged perpendicular to the axis of the fiber. This structural feature provides great robustness, remarkable stability, and insolubility. In addition, amyloid proteins specifically stain with certain dyes such as Congo red and thioflavin-T. The aggr egation into amyloid fibers, however, it is not restricted to pathogenic processes, rather it seems to be widely distributed among proteins and polypeptides. Amyloid fiber s arc present in insects, fungi and bacteria, and they are important in maintaining the homeostasis of the organism, Such findings have motivated tire use of the term •‘fiuictional amyloid" to differentiate these amyloid proteins from their toxic siblings. This review focuses on systems that have evolved in bacteria that control the expression and assembly of amyloid proteins on cell surfaces, such that the robustness of amyloid proteins are used towards a beneficial end.
[EBOOK] INTERNATIONAL MICROBIOLOGY (Official journal of the Spanish Society for Microbiology), Published by Spanish Society for Microbiology (SEM)
Keyword: ebook, giáo trình, INTERNATIONAL MICROBIOLOGY, Official journal of the Spanish Society for Microbiology, vi sinh học quốc tế, vi sinh, vi sinh học, tạp chí vi sinh học, MICROBIOLOGY
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