The purpose of this Onion Health Management and Production publication is to provide an updated, comprehensive, and authoritative account of onion plant health and production practices commonly employed throughout irrigated regions of North America. It is national in scope and practical in emphasis. It is designed to assist in the diagnosis of onion diseases and pests whether in the field, laboratory, or diagnostic clinic, and to provide an overview of pest management strategics that can be employed to reduce their impacts. In addition, an overview of primary production practices is provided. To simplify technical terminology, trade names of products and equipment occasionally will be used. No endorsement of products named is intended nor is criticism implied of products not mentioned.
This handbook resulted from the efforts of many people as authors, photographers, reviewers, and sponsors to whom we express our deepest thanks. The editor gratefully acknowledges the support, time and facilities provided by our sponsors and the home institutions of our authors to this effort on behalf of the national onion community.
We also wish to thank the many individuals who supplied figures and photographs for this handbook.
Howard F. Schwartz
This handbook resulted from the efforts of many people as authors, photographers, reviewers, and sponsors to whom we express our deepest thanks. The editor gratefully acknowledges the support, time and facilities provided by our sponsors and the home institutions of our authors to this effort on behalf of the national onion community.
We also wish to thank the many individuals who supplied figures and photographs for this handbook.
Howard F. Schwartz
[EBOOK] ONION Health Management and Production (Weeds, Insects and Diseases), Howard F. Schwartz, Published by Colorado State University
Keyword: ebook, giáo trình, onion, onion Health Management and Production, Weeds of onion, Insects of onion, Diseases of onion, IPM of onion, hành củ, hành lá, quản lý dịch hại trên hành, chăm sóc hành, kỹ thuật trồng hành, trồng và chăm sóc hành, sâu bệnh hại hành, cỏ dại trên hành
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