Nursery Management is one of the few significant modern guides to managing a plant nursery and has been relied upon, worldwide, by nursery managers and students alike since its original publication in 1994. As author, I have received much-appreciated support, seeing it used as a text in horticulture courses in countries ranging from North America to Australia.
This new edition has been significantly expanded and updated, to be even more valuable to a broader range of readers. It brings together the knowledge and experience of qualified and experienced professional horticulturists from Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland and beyond. The book presents accessible and important information and guidance that will be useful to both production and retail plant nurseries, well into the future. Various chapters focus on the vital elements of nursery management, including site selection, selecting and managing nursery stock, the minutiae of everyday practicalities such as propagation, potting and transplanting, pest and disease management, and growing media, and the different types of equipment and structures required in a nursery. There is a discussion of the newly important areas of plant breeding and ownership rights, management skills and marketing, plus an extensive glossary, along with lists of seed and materials suppliers and professional organisations.
During 35 years of involvement in horticulture I have seen vast changes in the nursery industry worldwide. Developments in technology, globalisation and increasing sophistication in the marketplace have all made an impact, but many characteristics remain relatively unchanged. There is still a great deal of satisfaction involved in working with plants and, on the whole, a relatively relaxed atmosphere and character persist. One former high-flyer from the marketing industry recently said to me, ‘People working in horticulture are, on the whole, nice people; that isn’t the way in many other industries’
To be successful in a modern nursery, you do need to be more than just ‘good with plants’ - business skills are vital and sometimes hard decisions are required, just like in all industries. However, for people who can develop the necessary management skills, managing a nursery may be a more relaxed and rewarding option than managing most other types of operations.
This new edition has been significantly expanded and updated, to be even more valuable to a broader range of readers. It brings together the knowledge and experience of qualified and experienced professional horticulturists from Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland and beyond. The book presents accessible and important information and guidance that will be useful to both production and retail plant nurseries, well into the future. Various chapters focus on the vital elements of nursery management, including site selection, selecting and managing nursery stock, the minutiae of everyday practicalities such as propagation, potting and transplanting, pest and disease management, and growing media, and the different types of equipment and structures required in a nursery. There is a discussion of the newly important areas of plant breeding and ownership rights, management skills and marketing, plus an extensive glossary, along with lists of seed and materials suppliers and professional organisations.
During 35 years of involvement in horticulture I have seen vast changes in the nursery industry worldwide. Developments in technology, globalisation and increasing sophistication in the marketplace have all made an impact, but many characteristics remain relatively unchanged. There is still a great deal of satisfaction involved in working with plants and, on the whole, a relatively relaxed atmosphere and character persist. One former high-flyer from the marketing industry recently said to me, ‘People working in horticulture are, on the whole, nice people; that isn’t the way in many other industries’
To be successful in a modern nursery, you do need to be more than just ‘good with plants’ - business skills are vital and sometimes hard decisions are required, just like in all industries. However, for people who can develop the necessary management skills, managing a nursery may be a more relaxed and rewarding option than managing most other types of operations.
Keyword: ebook, giáo trình, NURSERY MANAGEMENT, NURSERY, vườn ươm cây giống, vườn ươm, chăm sóc vườn ươm, kỹ thuật chăm sóc vườn ươm, quản lý vườn ươm, nhân giống cây trồng
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