An example ol an aquarium that will fit in several settings: The living room, the kitchen or in your offioe. This layout IS classic because of Its island composition. The foreground « a thriving carpot of Likmopsis and the colorful 'Rosanervig' IS the focal point of the aquarium. By planting Anubas and Cryptocoryna In the middle of the aquarum win create a contrast of dark green to the bright green carpet and the colorful 'Ro sane rvig' Java moss attached to wood wit create both depth and maturity. The composition of plants provides a fno balance betwoen fast growing plants (they take up nutrient and roduco oigao growth) and slow growing plants that require loss maintaining
TIP! 'Rosanervig' IS an undemanding plant. Nttsaea crass/cautis or Rotate rotvoơitotia are suitable alternatives as easy and coloured plants.
TIP! 'Rosanervig' IS an undemanding plant. Nttsaea crass/cautis or Rotate rotvoơitotia are suitable alternatives as easy and coloured plants.
[EBOOK] PLANT GUIDE (A growing success...) AQUARIUM PLANTS, Publisher Tropica Aquarium Plants
Keyword: ebook, giáo trình, AQUARIUM PLANTS, PLANT GUIDE, cây thuỷ sinh, thực vật thuỷ sinh, hướng dẫn trồng cây thuỷ sinh, giới thiệu cây thuỷ sinh, kỹ thuật trồng cây thuỷ sinh
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