The project "Monitoring and assessment of nutrient loads from agriculture in the Leningrad Oblast" was carried out in 2006. The main objective of the project has been training and capacity building* directed towards panicipants from the Reference Center of Rossclhoznadzor. RosHydro-met and the Com mi nee of Natural Resources in the Leningrad Oblast.
The project leader has been Johannes Deelstu. Soil and Environment Division. Biofocsk. Other participants from were Heidi (.iron-sten and Adam Pamch.
The project was carried out both in Estonia and Norway. In Estonia* the project focussed on the practical aspects related to the operation and maintenance or monitoring stations. The main partner in Estonia was Arvo lical. Institute of Environmental Engineering, Tallinn University of Technology.
The second part of the project was carried mil in Norway and focussed on the design and operation of monitoring stations, water sampling routines collection of secondary data and the interaction w ith farmer extension services. Th: project was terminated by a seminar, including participants from Sweden. Finland. Leningrad Oblast, Estonia. Latvia. Kalinin grad and Norway and covered aspects related to monitoring and assessment of nutrient loads from agricultural dominated catchments, scales issues, data analysis, nutrient modelling and good agricultural practices as practiced in the Baltic and Scandinavian countries.
This report has been written by Johannes Deelstia. Arvo lital. Heidi Grpnstcn and Adam Paruch.
The project leader has been Johannes Deelstu. Soil and Environment Division. Biofocsk. Other participants from were Heidi (.iron-sten and Adam Pamch.
The project was carried out both in Estonia and Norway. In Estonia* the project focussed on the practical aspects related to the operation and maintenance or monitoring stations. The main partner in Estonia was Arvo lical. Institute of Environmental Engineering, Tallinn University of Technology.
The second part of the project was carried mil in Norway and focussed on the design and operation of monitoring stations, water sampling routines collection of secondary data and the interaction w ith farmer extension services. Th: project was terminated by a seminar, including participants from Sweden. Finland. Leningrad Oblast, Estonia. Latvia. Kalinin grad and Norway and covered aspects related to monitoring and assessment of nutrient loads from agricultural dominated catchments, scales issues, data analysis, nutrient modelling and good agricultural practices as practiced in the Baltic and Scandinavian countries.
This report has been written by Johannes Deelstia. Arvo lital. Heidi Grpnstcn and Adam Paruch.
[EBOOK] Nutrient load assessment from agriculture in the Leningrad Oblast, Published by TemaNord
Keyword: ebook, giáo trình, Nutrient load assessment from agriculture in the Leningrad Oblast, Nutrient load assessment from agriculture, Nutrient, dinh dưỡng cây trồng, thổ nhưỡng, dinh dưỡng khoáng cây trồng, Đánh giá chất dinh dưỡng từ nông nghiệp ở tỉnh Leningrad
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