Organic farming is based on minimizing the use of external inputs, avoiding the use of synthetic fertilizers. Pesticides system has the potential to provide benefits in terms of environmental protection, and certain methods are used to minimize pollution of air, soil and water. Organic food handlers, processors and retailers adhere to the standards set to maintain the integrity of organic agriculture products. The primary goal of organic agriculture is to optimize the health and productivity of interdependent communities of soil life, plants, animals and people.
The management system of an organic farm is crucial, as its location and product-specific issues need to be addressed to ensure sustainability. Successful cultivation depends on environmentally friendly practices in nitrogen fixation, pest control, positive hosting, sheltering etc. Various incentives can bolster transfer to organic agriculture, either consumer-driven by demand, service-driven by ecological necessity or farmer-driven by economical viability and government support. Despite its advantages, the cost and quality of produce from organic agriculture are continually under discussion. Since organic agriculture can potentially increase yield only in traditional systems and actually decrease it when compared to highly industrialized farming, it is continuously debated if the conversion of existing world farm areas would suffice for the rapidly increasing human population.
The book contains 10 chapters written by acknowledged experts, providing comprehensive information on all aspects of Organic Agriculture and Organic Food, from cultivation practices and environmental aspects, to produce certification and distribution with a clear perspective, with a balance in presentations of basic and applied research. Researchers, students, and teachers in the agricultural field in particular will find this book to be of immense use.
This book has emerged as a consequence of the difficulties we experienced in finding information when we first started researching. The goal was to produce a book where as many existing studies as possible could be presented in a single volume, making it easy for the reader to compare methods, results and conclusions. As a result, studies from countries such as Thailand, Spain, Sweden, Lithuania, Czech, Mexico, etc. have been brought together as individual chapters and references to studies from other countries have been included in the overview chapters where possible. We believe that this opportunity to compare results from different countries will open a new perspective on the subject, allowing the typical characteristics of Organic Agriculture and Organic Food to be seen more clearly. Finally, we would like to thank the contributing authors and the staff at InTech for their efforts and cooperation during the course of publication. I sincerely hope that this book will help researchers and students all over the world to reach new results in the field of Organic Agriculture and Organic Food.
The management system of an organic farm is crucial, as its location and product-specific issues need to be addressed to ensure sustainability. Successful cultivation depends on environmentally friendly practices in nitrogen fixation, pest control, positive hosting, sheltering etc. Various incentives can bolster transfer to organic agriculture, either consumer-driven by demand, service-driven by ecological necessity or farmer-driven by economical viability and government support. Despite its advantages, the cost and quality of produce from organic agriculture are continually under discussion. Since organic agriculture can potentially increase yield only in traditional systems and actually decrease it when compared to highly industrialized farming, it is continuously debated if the conversion of existing world farm areas would suffice for the rapidly increasing human population.
The book contains 10 chapters written by acknowledged experts, providing comprehensive information on all aspects of Organic Agriculture and Organic Food, from cultivation practices and environmental aspects, to produce certification and distribution with a clear perspective, with a balance in presentations of basic and applied research. Researchers, students, and teachers in the agricultural field in particular will find this book to be of immense use.
This book has emerged as a consequence of the difficulties we experienced in finding information when we first started researching. The goal was to produce a book where as many existing studies as possible could be presented in a single volume, making it easy for the reader to compare methods, results and conclusions. As a result, studies from countries such as Thailand, Spain, Sweden, Lithuania, Czech, Mexico, etc. have been brought together as individual chapters and references to studies from other countries have been included in the overview chapters where possible. We believe that this opportunity to compare results from different countries will open a new perspective on the subject, allowing the typical characteristics of Organic Agriculture and Organic Food to be seen more clearly. Finally, we would like to thank the contributing authors and the staff at InTech for their efforts and cooperation during the course of publication. I sincerely hope that this book will help researchers and students all over the world to reach new results in the field of Organic Agriculture and Organic Food.
[EBOOK] RESEARCH IN ORGANIC FARMING, Edited by Raumjit Nokkoul, Published by INTECHWEB.ORG
Keyword: ebook, giáo trình, RESEARCH IN ORGANIC FARMING, ORGANIC FARMING, organic, nông nghiệp hữu cơ, canh tác hữu cơ, nghiên cứu trong nông nghiệp hữu cơ, nghiên cứu trong canh tác hữu cơ
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