The present annual economic value of worldwide olive oil production is estimated to exceed €10 billion. The olive oil industry is traditionally concentrated in the semi-arid Mediterranean region, where high-value olive oil is exưacted from olive fruit by crushing in an oil mill. Increasing awareness of the nutritional benefits and superior flavor of high-quality olive oil has led to a rapidly increasing international demand for this oil. Thus, in recent decades a significant wave of establishment of new olive plantations has taken place world-wide, including Australia, South and North America, South Africa, and Southeast Asia. For a variety of economic, environmental. and sociological reasons, this new trend of olive cultivation is mainly concentrated in desert-marginal environments.
The major problems preventing an increase in olive oil supply are the dependence of the industry on traditional production methods and inefficient olive oil quality controlling bio-technologies.
Aiming to contribute to the current need for technological modernization of the international olive oil industry with emphasis on the available and economically feasible desert environments, we decided to summarize in the present book our research and development experience in the successful Negev Desert olive oil initiative during the past 25 years. We tried to close the gaps of desert-specific cultivation know-how with high-quality and cost-effective olive oil agro-production technologies. We also intensively surveyed the reported literature and introduce in this book many additional relevant aspects to cover most of the available information. All of this was done to aid the understanding of interested readers regarding the intensive cultivation needs of olive trees, the desert environment’s available resources (e.g., water, soil, and climate), and their efficient utilization for successful olive production. Wc also discuss advanced novel bio-technologics specifically developed for Negev Desert high olive oil quality extraction and other high added-value product-processing techniques including solid and liquid waste material recycling. In particular, these technologies were directed to characterize the Negev effect on metabolomic fingerprinting of a major olive oil component (triglycerides) and minor components (c.g., polyphenol, tocopherols, and phytosterols). The fact that many common and new varieties of olives cultivated with saline water irrigation in Negev Desert conditions meet the international olive oil quality standards is presented. Furthermore, in some cases the desert stress-limiting conditions were found to increase the olive oil quality, so that these environmental disadvantages may be converted to unique nutritional branding advantages. Novel prediction models regarding olive varieties’ oil potential and their optimal date of harvesting are also presented.
The major problems preventing an increase in olive oil supply are the dependence of the industry on traditional production methods and inefficient olive oil quality controlling bio-technologies.
Aiming to contribute to the current need for technological modernization of the international olive oil industry with emphasis on the available and economically feasible desert environments, we decided to summarize in the present book our research and development experience in the successful Negev Desert olive oil initiative during the past 25 years. We tried to close the gaps of desert-specific cultivation know-how with high-quality and cost-effective olive oil agro-production technologies. We also intensively surveyed the reported literature and introduce in this book many additional relevant aspects to cover most of the available information. All of this was done to aid the understanding of interested readers regarding the intensive cultivation needs of olive trees, the desert environment’s available resources (e.g., water, soil, and climate), and their efficient utilization for successful olive production. Wc also discuss advanced novel bio-technologics specifically developed for Negev Desert high olive oil quality extraction and other high added-value product-processing techniques including solid and liquid waste material recycling. In particular, these technologies were directed to characterize the Negev effect on metabolomic fingerprinting of a major olive oil component (triglycerides) and minor components (c.g., polyphenol, tocopherols, and phytosterols). The fact that many common and new varieties of olives cultivated with saline water irrigation in Negev Desert conditions meet the international olive oil quality standards is presented. Furthermore, in some cases the desert stress-limiting conditions were found to increase the olive oil quality, so that these environmental disadvantages may be converted to unique nutritional branding advantages. Novel prediction models regarding olive varieties’ oil potential and their optimal date of harvesting are also presented.
Social aspects as well as basic economics and marketing of conventional and organic olive oil produced in the Negev Desert environment are demonstrated in two specific test cases. It is suggested that all these aspects covered may be adopted with some specific needed modifications for many other desert environments on all continents.
The mission of completing this book could not have been carried out without the great help, support, and dedication of Dr. Bishnu Chapagain, who was deeply involved in recent years in the R&D efforts in the olive oil metabolomic field and later also in putting together all the collected data. Wcll-dcscrvcd acknowledgments arc offered to all the staff of the Phyto-Lipid Biotechnology Lab (PLBL) W'ith special thanks to Shirley and Shahar Nizri. and collaborating BGU units (e.g.. Industrial Engineering and Management Department, Analytical Equipment Unit, the Zuckerberg Institute for Water Research, and the offices of the Rector and the President of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev).
This Negev Desert initiative was also supported by a long list of external groups and companies including: Prof. G. Bianchi’s Oil Technology group at Pescara, Italy, Technical Section of IOC, Spain, Peres Center for Peace, Israeli Ministries of Science, Commerce and Industry, Environment Protection, and Health, Re’em Farm, Nahal Bokcr Farm, Halpcrin Farm, Neot Smadar. Beit Nir. Yavene group. Hader Darawsh Olive Oil Mills, Zabarga Olive Oil Mill. Talil Nursery, and many small olive oil and by-products producers. Last but not least, this Negev Desert olive oil R&D mission could not have been finalized without the financial and great moral support of the David Dibner Fund, Israelow-Goldman Fund and AABGU.
“Environmentally Intelligent Balanced Bio-Technologies can Produce Desert Golden Olive Oil
for the Benefit of all Mankind in the 21st Century."
The mission of completing this book could not have been carried out without the great help, support, and dedication of Dr. Bishnu Chapagain, who was deeply involved in recent years in the R&D efforts in the olive oil metabolomic field and later also in putting together all the collected data. Wcll-dcscrvcd acknowledgments arc offered to all the staff of the Phyto-Lipid Biotechnology Lab (PLBL) W'ith special thanks to Shirley and Shahar Nizri. and collaborating BGU units (e.g.. Industrial Engineering and Management Department, Analytical Equipment Unit, the Zuckerberg Institute for Water Research, and the offices of the Rector and the President of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev).
This Negev Desert initiative was also supported by a long list of external groups and companies including: Prof. G. Bianchi’s Oil Technology group at Pescara, Italy, Technical Section of IOC, Spain, Peres Center for Peace, Israeli Ministries of Science, Commerce and Industry, Environment Protection, and Health, Re’em Farm, Nahal Bokcr Farm, Halpcrin Farm, Neot Smadar. Beit Nir. Yavene group. Hader Darawsh Olive Oil Mills, Zabarga Olive Oil Mill. Talil Nursery, and many small olive oil and by-products producers. Last but not least, this Negev Desert olive oil R&D mission could not have been finalized without the financial and great moral support of the David Dibner Fund, Israelow-Goldman Fund and AABGU.
“Environmentally Intelligent Balanced Bio-Technologies can Produce Desert Golden Olive Oil
for the Benefit of all Mankind in the 21st Century."
[EBOOK] Desert Olive Oil Cultivation (Advanced Bio Technologies), Zeev Wiesman, Published by AP
Keyword: ebook, giáo trình, Desert Olive Oil Cultivation (Advanced Bio Technologies), olive oil, olive, kỹ thuật trồng cây ô liu, kỹ thuật canh tác cây ô liu ở hoang mạc, công nghệ sinh học tiên tiến canh tác ô liu, công nghệ sinh học tiên tiến khai thác dầu ô liu
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