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[EBOOK] Anti-Diabetes Mellitus Plants: Active Principles, Mechanisms of Action and Sustainable utilization, Appian Subramoniam, Published by CRC PRESS

The worldwide prevalence of diabetes mellitus (one of the oldest diseases known to humans) in the adult population is more than 8%. This is a huge burden to society in terms of quality of life, cost of treatment, and loss in productivity of patients. In traditional medicine all over the world, plant-based crude drugs are used to treat diabetes mellitus from time immemorial. Even today, the majority of the world’s population use plant products to control diabetes mellitus. Now, it is time to create new knowledge from traditional knowledge with the help of modern science and technology. There is a necessity to develop plant-based therapies for diabetes mellitus with superior efficacy and safety in light of modern science.

Although there are numerous polyherbal formulations to treat diabetes in traditional medicine, none of them were developed rationally. The reasons for the presence of specific ingredients in the given ratio in a polyherbal formulation and phytochemical interactions in the formulation, if any, are not explained satisfactorily. It should be remembered that most of these formulations existed well before the advancement of modern medical sciences. Polyherbal formulations, if developed scientifically considering the mechanisms of actions and efficacy as projected in Chapter 4, could prove to be the best treatment for diabetes mellitus. Further, it is heartening to note that many vegetables, spices, and fruits are endowed with anti-diabetes mellitus properties. Development of rational polyherbal formulations with these plant products could be very safe and effective.

Other gap areas identified in this book to be filled by future research include the following: Active molecules are not identified fully in a majority of known anti-diabetes mellitus plants including more than 30 very important anti-diabetes mellitus plants. Mechanisms of action also remain to be elucidated in more than 50 established anti-diabetes mellitus plants. Most of the in vivo experimental studies have been carried out in alloxan- and streptozotocin-induced type 1 (to a large extent) diabetic animals only. These models provide only limited information regarding mechanisms of action as well as the efficacy in different types of type 2 diabetes mellitus of test drugs (plant products).

In the case of important anti-diabetes mellitus plants, cultivation conditions and elite genotypes were not standardized keeping in view with anti-diabetes mellitus properties. Anti-diabetes mellitus properties of the plants have to be adequately considered while developing the agrotechniques. Although developing intercrops and utilizing unproductive lands are attractive alternatives for growing medicinal plants, the quality of the medicinal plants in terms of their required pharmacological properties should be considered. Micropropagation could aid in achieving uniform quality of the bulk amount of planting materials as per requirement. In many cases, this is essential in large-scale production of uniform quality plant-based medicines.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a heterogeneous disease, and tremendous advancement in our knowledge on diabetes mellitus and its complications could enable us to get substantial information regarding specific defect(s) in the metabolic syndrome in individual cases. Therefore, applying full knowledge of the mechanisms of action of anti-diabetes mellitus phytochemicals, tailor-made combination therapy, or single phytochemical entity therapy can even be developed in the future to provide individualized treatment.

There are more than 300 phytochemicals with varying levels and mechanisms of anti-diabetes mellitus activities. A number of such compounds are commonly occurring in many plants including certain edible plant parts. For example, compounds with promising anti-diabetes mellitus properties, such as chlorogenic acid, oleanolic acid, quercetin, and P-sitosterol, are present in a variety of plant species including many fruits, vegetables, and spices. These molecules have pharmacological properties other than anti-diabetes mellitus activities. Plants containing a reasonably high level of one or more of such compounds are considered only as anti-diabetes mellitus plants.

Literature on different animal models of diabetes mellitus show that a sedentary lifestyle coupled with plenty of nutrition and/or fatty diet could lead to type 2 diabetes mellitus. This aspect could have an important bearing in the prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus in humans.

[EBOOK] Anti-Diabetes Mellitus Plants: Active Principles, Mechanisms of Action and Sustainable utilization, Appian Subramoniam, Published by CRC PRESS

Keyword: ebook, giáo trình, Anti-Diabetes Mellitus Plants, Active Principles, Mechanisms of Action and Sustainable utilization, cây thuốc trị bệnh đái tháo đường, cây thuốc, cây dược liệu, cây thảo dược, cây thuốc trị bệnh đái tháo đường, cây thảo dược trị bệnh đái tháo đường, Cây chống đái tháo đường Nguyên tắc tích cực, Cơ chế hoạt động và sử dụng bền vững

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