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[EBOOK] Climate Change in Developing Countries (Results from the Netherlands Climate Change Studies Assistance Programme), Edited by M.A. Van Drunen, R. Lasage and C. Dorland, Published by CABI

The Netherlands recognizes the need to assist developing countries, not only to comply with its own obligations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) but also to enable these countries to develop effective strategies to mitigate climate change and adapt to the adverse effects thereof. Therefore, the Netherlands Climate Change Studies Assistance Programme (NCCSAP) was launched in 1996. The first phase of the NCCSAP is almost finished and the second phase, which has slightly different objectives, has already started.

The Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), which manages NCCSAP-I, took the initiative to compile this book. An overview is presented of the most interesting results of the climate studies carried out in the countries involved. Furthermore a critical evaluation is given of the methodologies and approaches, and recommendations for future studies about climate change in developing countries. This book does not pretend to be a summary of all NCCSAP studies; rather, it gives the reader an impression of the work that has been carried out in the last 8 years within the programme.

This book is meant for everyone who is involved in climate-related projects in developing countries. Both researchers and policymakers can benefit from the experiences and evaluations of the NCCSAP studies. Subjects dealt with include not only impact studies but also vulnerability and adaptation, mitigation and climate-related policy. More about NCCSAP, in particular about the second phase, can be found at www.nlcap.org

In line with the objectives of the NCCSAP, the core part of this book was written by the project members in the developing countries themselves. The editors thank all the authors, several of whom had quite different jobs by the time they were writing their contribution. The technical consultants also played an essential role, especially Jan Verhagen, Nico van der Linden, Marcel Rozemeijer and Arjan van der Weck; they put tremendous efforts into this book. Ann Holleman is greatly acknowledged for correcting the ‘Dunglish’ and other grammatical errors, and Laurens Bouwer is thanked for reviewing the report internally.

The NCCSAP would not exist without the late Jan Feenstra. He not only invented the impossible acronym NCCSAP, but he was also involved in the methodology development for climate impact and adaptation studies, and for the organizational structure of the programme. In the mid-1990s he managed the programme and travelled the world to make sure that all studies went well.

Finally, the editors thank the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate-General for International Cooperation (DGIS), which recognized the importance of climate change for developing countries and decided to initiate the NCCSAP. One of the NCCSAP products is this book.

[EBOOK] Climate Change in Developing Countries (Results from the Netherlands Climate Change Studies Assistance Programme), Edited by M.A. Van Drunen, R. Lasage and C. Dorland, Published by CABI

Keyword: ebook, giáo trình, Climate Change in Developing Countries, Results from the Netherlands Climate Change Studies Assistance Programme, Climate Change, biến đổi khí hậu, tài nguyên môi trường, Biến đổi khí hậu ở các nước đang phát triển, Kết quả từ Chương trình hỗ trợ nghiên cứu biến đổi khí hậu của Hà Lan

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