Module No.5 (Conversion of conventional farming into organic farming) aims to enliance the competence in the field of organic agriculture and the possible implementation of its principles and methods in practice. The module focuses on the staff of regional and municipal administrations concerned with sustainable rural development and the environment. Therefore the emphasis is rather on the actualization of questions of organic agriculture, then on the realization of principles and methods in specific practical conditions.
The topics of the module cover topical and problematic questions connected with organic agriculture and integrate them in the system where both traditional forms and methods, as well prospective innovative approaches in development of organic agriculture are considered. Therefore we hope that the issues will be of interest to anyone interested in ecological (organic) agriculture. Expected result of this training module is the development of knowledge of a complex approach and the ability to assess efficiency and possibility of modernization and introduction of elements of organic agriculture.
The module was developed in the frame of the Tempus project “Vocational Training in Rural Development and Ecology”. In co-operation with eleven Russian agricultural academies and universities, the Russian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, practise partners from the public and private sector in Russia and EU partners from Germany. France, Poland. Italy and Slovak Republic 12 different modules have been developed covering a wide range of topical questions in the field of sustainable rural development. These modules are:
Sustainable development: key terms and theoretieal basis (Introductory Module 1. Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy)
Sustainable rural development: approaches for regional and local programmes elaboration (Module 2, Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy)
Ecolaheling and marketing of environmental and regional products from rural areas (Module 3, Orel State Agrarian University)
- Eco-tourism and tourism in rural areas (Module 4, Buryat State Agrarian Academy of Agriculture named after V.R.Philippov)
Conversion of conventional farming into organic farming (Module 5, Yaroslavl State Agricultural Academy)
Environmental regulations and laws (Module 6. Stavropol State Agricultural University)
- Ecological related problems of intensive agriculture (plant and animal production)
(Module 7. Omsk State Agrarian University)
- Participatory approach in rural development (Module 8, Kostroma State Agricultural Academy)
Reducing pollution in rural areas caused by agricultural, industrial and municipal solid waste (Module 9, Novosibirsk State Agrarian University)
The topics of the module cover topical and problematic questions connected with organic agriculture and integrate them in the system where both traditional forms and methods, as well prospective innovative approaches in development of organic agriculture are considered. Therefore we hope that the issues will be of interest to anyone interested in ecological (organic) agriculture. Expected result of this training module is the development of knowledge of a complex approach and the ability to assess efficiency and possibility of modernization and introduction of elements of organic agriculture.
The module was developed in the frame of the Tempus project “Vocational Training in Rural Development and Ecology”. In co-operation with eleven Russian agricultural academies and universities, the Russian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, practise partners from the public and private sector in Russia and EU partners from Germany. France, Poland. Italy and Slovak Republic 12 different modules have been developed covering a wide range of topical questions in the field of sustainable rural development. These modules are:
Sustainable development: key terms and theoretieal basis (Introductory Module 1. Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy)
Sustainable rural development: approaches for regional and local programmes elaboration (Module 2, Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy)
Ecolaheling and marketing of environmental and regional products from rural areas (Module 3, Orel State Agrarian University)
- Eco-tourism and tourism in rural areas (Module 4, Buryat State Agrarian Academy of Agriculture named after V.R.Philippov)
Conversion of conventional farming into organic farming (Module 5, Yaroslavl State Agricultural Academy)
Environmental regulations and laws (Module 6. Stavropol State Agricultural University)
- Ecological related problems of intensive agriculture (plant and animal production)
(Module 7. Omsk State Agrarian University)
- Participatory approach in rural development (Module 8, Kostroma State Agricultural Academy)
Reducing pollution in rural areas caused by agricultural, industrial and municipal solid waste (Module 9, Novosibirsk State Agrarian University)
Sustainable use of water resources in rural areas (Module 10, Samara State Agricultural
- Food safety and product quality control (Module 11. Moscow State Agroengineering
University named after Goryachkin v.p.)
Management of biological resources of rural areas (Module 12. Tambov State University
named after G.R. Derzhavin)
The introducing module on the key terms and theoretical basis of sustainable development basis is an ideal preparation for all the above listed specific modules. Persons who start to get involved in the field of ecology and sustainable rural development, W'e recommend to read this basic module first, before deepening one of the other topics. Readers interested in the modules and further training can address also all involved university partners to get further information or training about the listed modules.
Tills textbook on module x$5 ((Conversion of conventional fanning into organic fanning)) was developed by experts from Yaroslavl State Agricultural Academy plus colleagues from Slovak University of Agriculture. Contact addresses are provided in the chapter «RUDECO Partners and Contact Addresses»
Persons dealing with the presented topic x#5 ((Conversion of conventional fanning into organic fanning)) might be especially interested also in module 1, 3, 4, 7 The topic of module JMfi5 is closely interlinked with module >f$3 «Ecolabeling and marketing of environmental and regional products from mral areas», module .No" ((Ecological related problems of intensive agriculture (plant and animal production)*.
The authors are sincerely grateful to professor M. L-Bartosova, as well as staff of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, E. Gustedt and as well as staff of the Academy for spatial Research and Planning (Germany), A. Khodus (NP "Agrosophie") for advice and assistance in the collection and compilation of information, special appreciation we express M. Dietrich. J. Kopsch, A. Thomas and A. Voitenko (University of Hohenheim, Germany).
- Food safety and product quality control (Module 11. Moscow State Agroengineering
University named after Goryachkin v.p.)
Management of biological resources of rural areas (Module 12. Tambov State University
named after G.R. Derzhavin)
The introducing module on the key terms and theoretical basis of sustainable development basis is an ideal preparation for all the above listed specific modules. Persons who start to get involved in the field of ecology and sustainable rural development, W'e recommend to read this basic module first, before deepening one of the other topics. Readers interested in the modules and further training can address also all involved university partners to get further information or training about the listed modules.
Tills textbook on module x$5 ((Conversion of conventional fanning into organic fanning)) was developed by experts from Yaroslavl State Agricultural Academy plus colleagues from Slovak University of Agriculture. Contact addresses are provided in the chapter «RUDECO Partners and Contact Addresses»
Persons dealing with the presented topic x#5 ((Conversion of conventional fanning into organic fanning)) might be especially interested also in module 1, 3, 4, 7 The topic of module JMfi5 is closely interlinked with module >f$3 «Ecolabeling and marketing of environmental and regional products from mral areas», module .No" ((Ecological related problems of intensive agriculture (plant and animal production)*.
The authors are sincerely grateful to professor M. L-Bartosova, as well as staff of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, E. Gustedt and as well as staff of the Academy for spatial Research and Planning (Germany), A. Khodus (NP "Agrosophie") for advice and assistance in the collection and compilation of information, special appreciation we express M. Dietrich. J. Kopsch, A. Thomas and A. Voitenko (University of Hohenheim, Germany).
[EBOOK] Conversion of conventional farming into organic farming
Keyword: ebook, giáo trình, Conversion of conventional farming into organic farming, organic farming, Chuyển đổi canh tác thông thường sang canh tác hữu cơ, canh tác hữu cơ, nông nghiệp hữu cơ, nông nghiệp bền vững
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